Friday, December 9, 2011

Asking for help....

Im going to get a little bit off topic of addiction and I actually want/need to vent about somethings. I am a stay at home mother and most of my friends are not mothers so I guess I can give them a bit of a break and for those of you who dont even live here this obviously does not pertain to you either.  But being a stay at home mother is a full time job I dont care what anyone wants to say it is regardless of the age of your child. And I get absolutely no break jeffrey is an amazing dad so dont get me wrong in what im saying i could not ask for  a better father to my child. But I litterally get no break i shower with cash, i go to the bathroom with cash i have to eat with cash i get no me time. I never leave this house unless it is to go to walmart or to a drs apt. And I ask these so called friends of mine like i said im venting so hold on tight....I ask my friends if they can even come over for one hour you know so i can shower alone and of course not they  are to busy and they are to busy everyday but then can post on facebook im so bored or sitting here watching not saying im selfish enough that i want you to have no life but dont you for one second call your self my friend when you cant take two seconds out of your life when your friend desperately needs some help. and some of you might be thinking well its your child and yes i understand that one to but when i actually say word for word in my text do you want to hang out today that means actually hang out i have no human interaction what so ever its me and the baby and chores daily i do nothing else so when you want to bitch about how you went out to eat and oh no your order was wrong or oh no i went shopping today to buy clothes and i had to wait in a long line give me a freaking break. so either step up when your friend is in need of two minutes of sanity or dont call me your friend becuase im tired of bending over backwards hearing about other peoples problems and being there either relationship counselor or any other type of counselor and then you cant give me two minutes of your time...ya not cute just saying

1 comment:

casey said...

girl,i love this blog!!! love love love it, i know how you feel i have been a stay at home mom for almost 2 year now, i wish you were here i thing we could help each other out!!!!